Volume 16 Issue 2, 2022
A Corpus-based Study
of Gaoxin Huang’s Poetry Translation Style
Author(s): Chongyue LI Pages: 1-21
Published: 2022
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A Corpus-based Study of Gaoxin Huang’s Poetry Translation Style
Chongyue LI
Received 10.10.2022, Accepted 23.12.2022
Though he himself is not a poet, Gaoxin Huang (1936-) has published a dozen of translated
poetry collections. Huang has further developed the poetry translation strategy
of “yidun daibu” (substituting pause for foot) on the basis of his predecessors
and proposed quantitative standards of poetic meter and the “Emulation Method”.
This study attempts to examine Huang’s poetry translation style with a corpus-based
quantitative and qualitative study. For the study two corpora are constructed: a
bilingual parallel corpus of 100 English poems with their Chinese translations and
a monolingual comparable corpus of Chinese translations of 100 English poems and
280 original Chinese poems. Data on lexicon, syntax and phonology are collected
from the two corpora to address the stylistic characteristics of Huang’s poetry
translation at the lexical, syntactic and phonological levels. Huang’s translation
employs a richer vocabulary than the original English poems, and the choice of words
is more akin to the original Chinese poems. Huang does not replicate the original
poem, but preserves the original poem’s harmony of structure, rhythm, and word count
by substituting the Chinese pause for the English foot and making full use of the
Chinese conjunctions.
Keywords: Gaoxin Huang, Poetry Translation, Translator’s Style, Corpus.
Cite this work
LI, Chongyue. 2022. A Corpus-based Study of Gaoxin Huang’s Poetry Translation Style.
Translation Today, Vol. 16(2). 1-21. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2022.16.2.ar1
Suffixation Rules
of Manipuri Verbs in English to Manipuri Machine Translation
Author(s): Mayanglambam Premi Devi, Irengbam Tilokchan
Singh & Haobam Mamata Devi
Pages: 23-44
Published: 2022
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Suffixation Rules of Manipuri Verbs in English to Manipuri Machine Translation
Mayanglambam Premi Devi, Irengbam Tilokchan
Singh & Haobam Mamata Devi
Received 04.01.2022, Accepted 19.12.2022
The suffixation of verbs plays an important role in the formation of a meaningful
sentence in Manipuri language. All the verbs in Manipuri are bound roots. So, there
is always a suffix at the verb in Manipuri sentences. In English language, the tense
of a sentence is determined from the verb but in Manipuri language, the tense of
a sentence is determined from the suffix(es) associated with the verb. English to
Manipuri Machine Translation (EMMT) is a rule-based automatic translation system.
In EMMT, the suffixation rules of Manipuri verbs are essential for the derivation
of an appropriate suffix(es) of the translated verb in Manipuri from the input English
sentence. In this MT, suffixation rules are proposed to use in the post-processing
module as a new approach. This paper presents the process of EMMT, different suffixation
rules of Manipuri verbs and implementation in EMMT according to the types of tense
in English.
Keywords: Verb Suffixation, Machine Translation, Rule-based, Manipuri, Post-processing,
Cite this work
Premi Devi, Mayanglambam, Tilokchan Singh, Irengbam & Mamata Devi, Haobam. 2022.
Suffixation Rules of Manipuri Verbs in English to Manipuri Machine Translation.
Translation Today, Vol. 16(2). 23-44. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2022.16.2.ar2
Ideology in Syllabus:
The Revised B.A. English Translation Programme at Iranian Universities
Author(s):Abbas Emam
 Pages: 45-73
Published: 2022
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Ideology in Syllabus: The Revised B.A. English Translation Programme at Iranian Universities
Abbas Emam
Received 06.09.2022, Accepted 21.12.2023
In 2018, the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology introduced its
B.A. Revised English Translation Programme (RETP). This article reviews the revised
curriculum drawing upon concepts such as ‘ideology’ and ‘centralizing political
systems’. Analyzing the components of the document, it is argued that the syllabus
is the result of ideologically-motivated political factors shaped in post-revolutionary
Iran to consolidate the hegemony and ideology of an emerging state. This appears
to be a unique case in Translation Studies and translation historiography, in particular
as far as the role of socio-political ideology in translation pedagogy is concerned.
Findings suggest that there remains a large number of ideologically-motivated courses
in the curriculum that are of neither theoretical nor practical uses in translating/interpreting.
Drawing on the current trends in Translation Studies, a set of alternative courses
is proposed.
Keywords: RETP, Curriculum, Ideology, Centralizing Political System, Courses.
Cite this work
Emam, Abbas. 2022. Ideology in Syllabus: The Revised B.A. English Translation Programme
at Iranian Universities. Translation Today, Vol. 16(2). 45-73. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2022.
Science Texts Translated
from English into Gujarati in the 19th Century: A Translation History
Author(s): Sunil Sagar Pages: 75-102
Published: 2022
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Science Texts Translated from English into Gujarati in the 19th Century: A Translation
Sunil Sagar
Received 18.05.2022, Accepted 02.03.2023
History pertaining to 19th century India has diverse strands running into different
directions. These strands are also intertwined beautifully. History of science in
India, history of textbook production and history of public instruction are a few
of threads that bind 19th-century colonial history. It is hardly surprising that
translation runs seamlessly through these strands. But its role has scarcely been
analyzed in its true context. The paper attempts to unravel translation and its
history concerning science texts translated from English into Gujarati. It aims
at providing an overview of the kind of texts undertaken for translation, the translators
who attempted it and the context wherein these translations occurred. The paper
tries to articulate the significance that translation had for the history of science
in India, history of textbook production, history of public instruction in 19th
century Gujarat.
Keywords: Public Instruction, Textbook Production, Science Education in India,
Translation History.
Cite this work
Sagar, Sunil. 2022. Science Texts Translated from English into Gujarati in the 19th
Century: A Translation History. Translation Today, Vol. 16(2). 75-102. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2022.16.2.ar4
Socrates and Satyagraha
in South Africa: A Critical Study of M.K. Gandhi’s Translation of Plato’s Apology
Author(s): Nidhi J. Makwana
 Pages: 103-125
Published: 2022
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Socrates and Satyagraha in South Africa: A Critical Study of M.K. Gandhi’s Translation
of Plato’s Apology
Nidhi J. Makwana
Received 21.09.2021, Accepted 11.02.2023
M.K. Gandhi published a translation of Plato’s Apology in Gujarati as Ek Satyavir
ni Katha in his self-edited newspaper Indian Opinion in six instalments. The last
instalment was published on 9 May 1908 (CWMG vol.8: 217). This translation played
a vital part in Gandhi’s first Satyagraha in South Africa. Gandhi’s translation
is ideologically loaded and provides counter-texts that both challenged imperial
domination and provided themes and forms for the development of postcolonial debates
and new senses of identity. In addition to his politics, Gandhi encounters several
issues as a translator, especially with cultural equivalents, translating rhetoric
speech and references to Greek culture, society and gods. This paper compares target
and source texts and also explores the impact of this translation on the Gujarati
community in South Africa and on Gandhi.
Keywords: Gandhi, Socrates, Passive Resistance, Translation Studies, Paratext, Refraction.
Cite this work
Makwana, Nidhi J. 2022. Socrates and Satyagraha in South Africa: A Critical Study of M.K. Gandhi’s Translation of Plato’s Apology. Translation Today, Vol. 16(2). 103-125. DOI: 10.46623/tt/2022.16.2.ar5