Volume 12 Issue 2, 2018

Cover page | Editorial | Content | Contributor


  1. Intermediality and Translation: Pedagogical Possibilities.
Author(s): Tutun Mukherjee ORCID logo      Pages: 1-18       Published: 2018
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Intermediality and Translation: Pedagogical Possibilities
Received 10.09.2018, Accepted 18.12.2018
Translation is an important part of the learning process that facilitates inter-language exchange. When pedagogical processes have benefitted from integrated use of technology, it is desirable that translation should also call upon technology to make the translation exercise more vast, various and interesting for teachers, learners and translators. The paper explores the way media and technology can enhance understanding of life and literature. The aspects addressed are new demands on pedagogy and language use in contemporary times and the exploration of novel communication modes. The paper argues that inter-modal translations extend horizons of both appreciation and reception of literature.
Keywords: Translation, Intermediality, Inter-Modal Expression, Hermeneutics.
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Mukherjee, Tutun. 2018. Intermediality and Translation: Pedagogical Possibilities. Translation Today, vol.12(2). 1-18.
  2. Representation of Women in Early Indian Movies: A Study of How Indian Culture is Translated into Visual Texts.
Author(s): Anwita Maiti & Udaya Narayana Singh ORCID logo      Pages: 19- 46       Published: 2018
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Representation of Women in Early Indian Movies: A Study of How Indian Culture is Translated into Visual Texts
Received 06.09.2018, Accepted 28.12.2018
The paper focuses on five Indian movies created during the era of 1930 till 1960 which were realistic visual texts, in comparison to present day Bollywood movies that are bordering on being unrealistic rendering of stories. The movies of yester-years, often made from the fictional work that had made an impact, talk about social situations and place of women in those contexts. They show what women do when faced with predicaments and give us practical and reasonable solutions which were feasible in those times. The realistic nature of these works of fiction into films is a feature that still draws people’s attention towards them, so that they learn how to face and confront the truth and the stark realities. As one notices the Bollywood and Bollywood inspired movies across other Indian languages and spaces took a turn to move away from reality to place the audience in a world of imagined phantasmagoria to please them. How visual texts could be turned into extremely heinous and delusional objects could be gauged from these later films. These early era movies contribute to the emancipation of women in a significant manner and do not treat women as merely enticing objects.
Keywords: Representation of Women, Early Indian Cinema, Screen Space, Visual Texts, Story-line.
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Maiti, Anwita & Singh, Udaya Narayana. 2018. Representation of Women in Early Indian Movies: A Study of How Indian Culture is Translated into Visual Texts. Translation Today, vol.12(2). 19- 46.
  3. Rewriting Cultural Paradigms: Translating the Roman Missal in Congo-Zaire.
Author(s): Reshma Ann Rollin     Pages: 47- 61       Published: 2018
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Rewriting Cultural Paradigms: Translating the Roman Missal in Congo-Zaire
Received 23.10.2018, Accepted 28.12.2018
The Missale Romanum is the book which contains the prayers and rituals used for the Mass, the most important ritualistic celebration of the Catholic Church. Though the Vatican approves only those regional translations of the Missale Romanum which adhere to its prescribed norms, the translation in the Zaire-Congo region known as The Roman Missal for the Dioceses of Zaire is an anomaly since it goes beyond these norms by including cultural elements peculiar to the region, but yet managed to get its approval by the Vatican. The Latin Missale Romanum was thus translated using culture specific parameters in the Congo-Zaire region of Africa. This article seeks to examine this unique translation- its origins and the way it deviated from its source text.
Keywords: Translation, Catholic Church, Roman Missal, Congo-Zaire, Enculturation.
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Rollin, Reshma Ann. 2018. Rewriting Cultural Paradigms: Translating the Roman Missal in Congo-Zaire. Translation Today, vol.12(2). 47- 61.
  4. Translating the Gospel According to John: Dimensions of Space and Culture.
Author(s): Sarah Mariam Roy     Pages: 63-82       Published: 2018
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Translating the Gospel According to John: Dimensions of Space and Culture
Received 18.12.2017, Accepted 12.11.2018
The translation of the Bible into English or any other languages call for a translation of the original space and culture which gave way to the production of the text. By merely translating the linguistic elements of the text, there occurs the drastic loosening of the text. Ernst August Gutt asserts that the stimulus i. e. the translated text, placed in its cognitive environment produces the original interpretation. While comparing, it is essential to keep Gutt’s perspective of original context in mind. To Gutt, a translation is successful only when the original context is made clear. It can be by means of contextual effects or communicative clues or explicating the implicit information; but it is against the idea that the translation must be modernized.
Keywords: Translation, Culture, Relevance Theory, Secondary Communication, Cognitive Process.
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Roy, Sarah Mariam. 2018. Translating the Gospel According to John: Dimensions of Space and Culture. Translation Today, vol.12(2). 63-82.
  5. Translating Idioms from Nepali into English.
Author(s): Nabaraj Neupane ORCID logo      Pages: 83 - 100       Published: 2018
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Translating Idioms from Nepali into English
Received 09.07.2018, Accepted 19.11.2018
Idioms are precise prosaic expressions, which have unalterable forms, peculiar structures and figurative meanings. They are soluble into their culture and context. Therefore, they are one of the most difficult constituents of a language to recognize, interpret and translate. In such context, this study aimed to explore idiom translation strategies. In a corpus based research design, I selected forty-two idioms from six Nepali novels and their translations. By means of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data, I found these strategies in use: idiom-to-idiom translation, literal translation, omission and paraphrase. This study implies that idiom-to-idiom translation is the best strategy.
Keywords: Idiom, Omission, Paraphrase, Strategy, Translation.
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Neupane, Nabaraj. 2018. Translating Idioms from Nepali into English. Translation Today, vol.12(2). 83-100.

Book Review

    Anuradha Ghosh, (2018). From Bhashantar to Bhavantar, Bhavantar to Rupantar: Celebrating the Art of Translation. Translation Today. https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2018.12.2.br1
    Tamboli Reshma, (2018). Translation Strategies in Global News: What Sarkozy said in the Suburbs. Translation Today. https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2018.12.2.br2
    Athira M, (2018). Translation, Ideology and Gender. Translation Today. https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2018.12.2.br3


    Umesh Kumar ORCID logo , (2018). The Bond of Slavery. Translation Today. https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2018.12.2.tr

Annotated Bibliography

    Randheer Kour, (2018). An Annotated Bibliography of Translation Studies Books Published in 2018. Translation Today. https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2018.12.2.ab


    Aditya Kumar Panda, (2018). Katharina Reiss (1923 – 2018). Translation Today.

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