1. Is Translation Today a peer-reviewed journal?
Ans. Yes

2. Is the journal included in the UGC CARE list?
Ans. Yes

3. Is the journal published with ISSN and DOI numbers?
Ans. Yes. Translation Today is published with ISSN 09728740 and e-ISSN 09728090. The DOI number is 10.46623/tt.

4. Is the journal indexed in databases like scopus, web of science etc.?
Ans. The journal is indexed in some databases and the process for others such as scopus is on.

5. Do authors need to pay publication fee or article processing charges?
Ans. No. The journal does not charge any publication/processing fee.

6. Is this an open access journal?
Ans. Yes. All contents of the journal are freely accessible online.

7. How to subscribe to the journal?
Ans. Please visit the subscription page here.

8. How much is the subscription fee of the journal?
Ans. It is INR 500 for two issues.

9. What is the frequency of publication?
Ans. It is a biannual journal. It brings out two issues in a calendar year.

10. What is the preferred mode of communication with the editorial team?
Ans. The editorial team prefers email based communications. In special circumstances, phone calls are also acceptable.

11. How do I submit a paper to the journal?
Ans. This journal accepts submissions in electronic format only. For details please click on the submission page tab or send an email to ntmtranslationtoday@gmail.com.

12. What areas/themes/topics are invited/accepted for publication?
Ans. The journal invites/accepts submissions relevant to translation, interpretation and adaptation. For details, please click the home page tab.

13. Does the journal send an acknowledgement of receipt. If so, how much time does the journal take to acknowledge the receipt of a submission?
Ans. Yes, the journal acknowledges all submission. The submissions are acknowledged within three working days.

14. How much time does it take to review and convey acceptance for a submission in Translation Today?
Ans. The reviewing process requires approximately 12-15 weeks. The communication regarding acceptance follows the review reports.

15. How much time does it take to publish an article in Translation Today?
Ans. Once an article is accepted, it takes 2-3 months approximately for publication.

16. Is there a checklist for submitting a research paper to the journal?
Ans. Yes. Please click here.

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