ଅନୁବାଦ ବିଷୟରେ ପତ୍ରିକା
ଏଠାରେ ଅନୁବାଦ ଅଧ୍ୟୟନ/ ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା ଅଧ୍ୟୟନ/ ଗ୍ରନ୍ଥ ସୂଚୀ ବିବରଣ ସହିତ ଅନୁବାଦ ବିଷୟରେ ଜାତୀୟ
ଏବଂ ଆନ୍ତର୍ଜାତିକ ପତ୍ରିକାର ତାଲିକାଭୁକ୍ତ ହୋଇଛି. ଏଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ଅଧିକାଂଶ ସନ୍ଦର୍ଭିତ; ସମକ୍ଷକ
ସମୀକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଅନୁକ୍ରମିତ ପତ୍ରିକା ଯାହାକି ଅନୁବାଦ ଅଧ୍ୟୟନର ଅଧିକାଂଶ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରକୁ ଆବୃତ୍ତ କରୁଛି.
ଅନୁବାଦ ଅଧ୍ୟୟନର ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକଟି ପତ୍ରିକାର ବିସ୍ତୃତ ସୂଚନା ଓ୍ବେବ୍ ଠିକଣା ନିମ୍ନରେ ଦିଆଯାଇଛି.
ଏହି ପତ୍ରିକା ବିଷୟରେ ଅଧିକ ଜାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ନିମ୍ନରେ ଦିଆଯାଇଥିବା ଲିଙ୍କ୍ କୁ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ.
1. [sic]-A Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary
Translation, ISSN: 1847‐ 7755 Read
Founded in 2009 by University of Zadar faculty members, [sic] ‐ A Journal of Literature,
Culture and Literary Translation is devoted to publishing quality academic writing
on the topic of literary and cultural theory, various social and cultural phenomena
coming out of different literary and cultural practices and approaches, as well
as to promoting quality literature in translation. It is published bi‐annually in
spring and fall. Besides academic writing, [sic] puts a special emphasis on literary
translation as a form of communication among cultures and sees translation as a
kind of creativity similar to that of creative writing, i.e. a kind of literary
practice of immense value for the language and literature from and into which the
works are translated. [sic] thus supports publishing translations of foreign works
translated into Croatian as well as translations of Croatian authors into foreign
[sic] is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available
without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download,
copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this
journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is
in accordance with the BOAI ( http://www.soros.org/openaccess ) definition of open access.
2. Across Languages and Cultures, Akadémiai Kiadó,
ISSN 1585‐1923, E‐ISSN 1588‐2519
It is a multidisciplinary journal for translation and interpreting studies. Across
Languages and Cultures publishes original articles and reviews on all sub‐disciplines
of Translation and Interpreting (T/I) Studies: general T/I theory, descriptive T/I
studies and applied T/I studies. Special emphasis is laid on the questions of multilingualism,
language policy and translation policy. Publications on new research methods and
models are encouraged. Publishes book reviews, news, announcements and advertisements.
Language is English only. One volume of two issues annually.
Website: http://akkrt.hu/2/journals/products/linguistics/across_languages_and_cultures_eng
3. American Journal of Translation Studies
American Journal of Translation Studies, ISSN1947‐4679(Print); ISSN1947‐4687(online);
is jointly published quarterly in March, June, August, and December for a total
of 4 issues per year by APC Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures and Academic
Press (Corporation), with offices at 2038 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84105 USA.
On the web at http://www.AcademicPress.us. ACADEMIC PRESS (CORPORATION) is an independent
scholarly press specializing in monographs, revised dissertations, primary sources,
textbooks, and other books reflecting scholarship in the both natural and social
sciences and, also publishes academic journals.
Website: http://www.academicpress.us/journals/4679/index.aspx
4. Anuvad
Bharatiya Anuvad Parishad, New Delhi With
the foundation of Translators Association of India publishing its Bilingual quarterly
organ – ANUVAD was started. Its 1st Issue was brought out in August 1964. In the
field of Translation, it was 1st and the only bilingual Journal in India containing
thoughtful articles on theory and practice of translation. The Journal received
huge applause. Editorial of the First issue was headed by Dr. Gargi Gupta as editor
assisted by Vishva Nath Mishra, Sh. Krishna Gopal Agrawal, Km. Amrita Shergil, Sh.
Nem Chand Mathur, Sh. Narendra Saini and Sh. Shambhu Dayal Yadav as Assistant Editors.
Website: http://www.bharatiyaanuvadparishad.org/anuvad.htm
5. Babel, John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISSN
0521‐9744, E‐ISSN 1569‐9668
Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and interpreters,
yet of interest also for the nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events
in the field of translation. Babel includes articles on translation theory and practice,
as well as discussions of the legal, financial and social aspects of the translator’s
profession; it reports on new methods of translating, such as machine‐aided translation,
the use of computerized dictionaries or word banks; in each issue special sections
on "Literary Translation" and "The Life of FIT". An established publication, Babel
will appeal to all those who make translation their business and research. Contributions
are written in English and French and occasionally in German, Spanish and Russian.
Babel is published for the International Federation of Translators (FIT). This journal
is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie
Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, European Reference Index for the Humanities,
Translation Studies Bibliography, Scopus, TSA Online
Website: http://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/babel/main
6. Chinese Translators Journal
Chinese Translators
Journal (bimonthly) is a scholarly publication of the Translators Association of
China. It aims at promoting the translation profession through studies of translation
theory, exchange of translation skills, discussions of translation teaching and
communication with international counterparts. All contributions will be first reviewed
by the Editorial Department members and then anonymously by referees for its suitability
for publication in the CTJ. Care should be taken by authors to avoid identifying
themselves on the first page, in the top or bottom margins, or in footnotes. A separate
cover page with the title of the article, the name of the author and his /her institutional
affiliation should be provided. Time from submission to decision is normally within
90 days.
Website: http://www.tac-online.org.cn/en/tran/2009-10/09/content_3175320.htm
7. Cultus: the journal of intercultural mediation
and communication, ISSN 2033‐2948
Cultus, the Journal of intercultural mediation and communication, is an international
refereed journal focusing on the role of culture in constructing, perceiving and
translating reality. The Journal aims to develop an awareness of the interplay between
language and culture in communication. Managing diversity is now an issue, as an
ever growing number of people are becoming increasingly involved in communicative
interactions with others from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds: in
business, education, media, tourism and also through immigration and political conflict.
This Journal provides a stimulating forum, focusing on the experience of both practitioners
and academics; their analysis of languages and cultures, and how the differences
have been, or might be, managed. The goal of this Journal is to promote research,
education and training in communication by investigating language, languages, cultural
models, conflict, mediation and interculturality. Furthermore, since translation
is considered as mediation between cultures it will be included as a way of seeing
cultural linguistics at work.
Each issue contains a selected number of internationally refereed articles broadly
themed around a central topic in intercultural communication, and also includes
an interview.
8. EZRAEzra
‐‐ An Online Journal of Translation, is
a forum for poetry and translation. It stimulates the underexplored arts of reading
in other tongues and translating for an English audience. It aims both for new knowledge
of world writers and for the creation of beautiful new works. Ezra is interested
in any form, style, tone or era.
Website: http://www.ezratranslation.com/Home_Page.html
9. Forum
a new interpretation and translation journal
The first journal conceived jointly by Asian and Western scholars, FORUM is the
brainchild of Marianne Lederer and Choi Jungwha. Its purpose is to bring together
practitioners and scholars in a forum of dialogue to discuss new developments in
the field of interpretation and translation. Though a handful of journals in our
field already exist, the need was felt to create a truly international one that
would encompass research from not only Western countries but also from Asia where
research in this discipline has really taken off. This east‐west dialogue is already
reflected in the Editorial Committee and International Advisory Board, which are
composed of scholars from both Asian and Western universities. Supported by UNESCO
as part of its commitment to cultural diversity, the journal is co‐published by
the Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle (PSN), the publishing arm of the Université de la
Sorbonne Nouvelle, together with the Korean Society of Conference Interpretation
(KSCI) which groups together conference interpreters and translators with an interest
in research. Though the inaugural edition was launched in January of this year,
the journal is scheduled to appear biannually, in April and October. Manuscripts
written in either English or French are accepted. The journal is currently available
only in print.
Website: http://aiic.net/page/1005/forum‐a‐new‐interpretation‐and‐translation‐journal/lang/1
10. In Other Words:
This journal is for practising
translators and for anyone interested in them and the world in which they work.
This journal is published by the British Centre for Literary Translation with the
support of the Translators Association (Society of Authors).It is published twice
a year in May and November. Articles should be a maximum of 3500 words.
11. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation
Studies (IJCLTS), ISSN: 2201‐XXXX(Print), 2201‐XXXX(Online)
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies (IJCLTS)
is a double‐blind peerreviewed academic journal published by Australian International
Academic Centre PTY. LTD. The journal reflects the creativity of contemporary scholarly
and artistic practice. IJCLTS welcomes original and unpublished academic articles
from around the world on a wide range of topics. The journal has a scope that joins
the philosophical to cultural studies. The focus is on literature and translation,
but we also philosophically examine a range of other cultural expressions.
Website: http://www.ijclts.aiac.org.au
12. International Journal of Media and Translation Studies,
a refereed publication of media and translation studies. ISSN‐18387837
IJMTS comes in response to the need to bring translation and media studies into
one peer‐reviewed publication to examine the increasing interdependence of translation
and the media in a global media world. The journal is published twice a year by
Translation Standards Institute, publisher of the successful MLA‐index refereed
journal Translation Watch Quarterly, Australia's first ever refereed journal of
translation studies.
Website: http://ijmts.org/
13. International Journal of Translation, Bahri Publications,
ISSN 0970‐9819
International Journal of Translation – IJT (started in 1989), is a peer‐reviewed
international journal that has been publishing original research papers devoted
to TRANSLATION STUDIES. It is published in March and September every year. It provides
a forum for the discussion of the various theories of translation and interpreting
and their practical application; the various processes involved in literary, machine
and technical translations; the experience and the points of view of translators
while translating & the translated texts from the point of view of cultural and
sociolinguistic appropriateness.
Some of the major areas of focus are: Translation theories, Machine translation,
Translation problems, Translation vs. interpreting, Computer‐assisted translation
(CAT), Translation and neurology, Cultural translation, Translation and morphology,
Translation processes, Translation and semantics, Translation and cognition, Natural
language processing (NLP), Translation as learning strategy, Translation and equivalence,
Translation and psycholinguistics, Translation and communication
Website: http://www.gelbukh.com/IJT/
14. InTRAlenia University of Bologna, ISSN 1827‐000X
InTRAlenia is a refereed online Translation Journal of the Department of Interdisciplinary
Studies in Translation, Languages and Culture of the University of Bologna, Italy.
It publishes articles on all aspects of translation and intercultural communication,
as well as more experimental hypertextual critical works. Together with yearly volumes
and special issues devoted to specific research areas (e.g. corpusbased translation
studies, audiovisual and multimedia translation), it offers reviews of theoretical
works and critiques of published translations, translations of poetry and prose
texts vìs‐a‐vìs the original works, collections of bibliographic references, a news
and a tools sections with links to events and online resources.
Website: http://www.intralinea.org/
15. Jostrans: University of Bologna, ISSN 1827‐000X
Jostrans is a free, online journal of specialized translation. It aims to create
a forum for translators and researchers in specialized translation, to disseminate
information, exchange ideas and to provide a dedicated publication outlet for research
in specialized, non‐literary translation. This international journal is indexed
with the main humanities bibliographies, including the MLA, Benjamins Translation
Studies bibliography, and St Jerome's Translation Studies Abstracts Online. Jostrans
is peer‐reviewed and web‐based to allow maximum flexibility and access.
The journal offers a mixture of thematic and open issues, covering the areas: features
of specialized language, general and practical issues in translation and interpreting,
subject field translation issues, i.e. medical, legal, financial, multi‐media, localization,
etc., theoretical issues in specialized translation, aspects of training and teaching
specialized translation, revision and post‐editing.
16. Journal of Italian Translation ISSN: 1559-8470
Journal of Italian Translation is an international journal devoted to the translation
of literary works from and into Italian‐English‐Italian dialects. All translations
are published with the original text. It also publishes essays and reviews dealing
with Italian translation. It is published twice a year. Journal of Italian Translation
is published under the aegis of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
of Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.
Website: http://userhome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bonaffini/jit/
17. Journal of Translation Studies
Journal of Translation
Studies, an annual publication of the Department of Translation, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, welcomes articles on any aspect of translation studies. Contributions
in either Chinese or English are welcome. Articles in other languages are also considered.
Authors take sole responsibility for their views. Unused articles will not be returned.
Website: http://traserver.tra.cuhk.edu.hk/eng_journal.html
18. Journal TTR: Translation Terminology Writing,
TTR is a scholarly journal which appears biannually. It publishes articles on Translation,
Terminology, Writing and related disciplines, and, in particular, special thematic
issues devoted to current research in these areas. Most issues include substantial
review articles on new publications. It is the official journal of the Canadian
Association for Translation Studies.
Website: http://www.act-cats.ca/English/Journal_TTR/Journal_TTR.htm
19. Language and Translation
Journal of King Saud
University ‐ Languages and Translation (production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.)
is an English language, peer‐reviewed scholarly publication in the area of languages
and translation. Journal of King Saud University ‐ Languages and Translation publishes
original papers, clinical studies, reviews and case reports. Journal of King Saud
University ‐ Languages and Translation is the official publication of the King Saud
University and is published by King Saud University in collaboration with Elsevier
and is edited by an international group of eminent researchers.
Website: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal‐of‐king‐saud‐university‐languages‐and‐translation/
20. Linguistica Antverpiensia
New Series – Themes
in Translation Studies (LANS – TTS) is the journal of the Department of Translators
and Interpreters, Artesis University College Antwerp. It is a peer‐reviewed, annual
publication devoted to the study of language, translation and culture, with a special
focus on translation in its many oral and written manifestations. The journal is
not bound to any particular school of thought or academic group. Translation is
understood to be a dynamic concept, a form of intercultural communication which
has strong roots in cognitive and linguistic processes, but also in the society
and culture that produce it. Indeed, it is conceived as an integral part of the
production and reproduction of culture in the broadest sense.
Each issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies
centers on a different theme, in order to reflect the diversity of what is considered
to be translation, and to offer an open forum for a wide range of scholarly approaches
of a theoretical, methodological or descriptive nature, while providing them with
a unifying focal point.
Website: https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be/index.php/LANS-TTS
21. Litmus Press:
Litmus Press is a program of Ether
Sea Projects, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non‐profit literature and arts organization. Dedicated
to supporting innovative, cross‐genre writing, the press publishes the work of translators,
poets, and other writers, and organizes public events in their support. It encourages
interaction between poets and visual artists by featuring contemporary artworks
on the covers of our full‐length books and in the pages of Aufgabe, our annual literary
journal. By actualizing the potential linguistic, cultural and political benefits
of international literary exchange, it aims to ensure that our poetic communities
remain open‐minded and vital.
Website: http://www.litmuspress.org/
22. Machine TranslationISSN 0922‐6567, E‐ISSN 1573‐0573
This journal covers all branches of computational linguistics and language
engineering, especially those that incorporate a multilingual aspect.
Examines theoretical, descriptive as well as computational aspects. Features coverage
of a wide range of topics, from multilingual text composition and generation to
the history of machine translation. Machine Translation covers all branches of computational
linguistics and language engineering, wherever they incorporate a multilingual aspect.
It features papers that cover the theoretical, descriptive or computational aspects
of Linguistics and Translation and Machine translation.
Machine Translation covers all branches of computational linguistics and language
engineering, wherever they incorporate a multilingual aspect. It features papers
that cover the theoretical, descriptive or computational aspects of any of the following
machine translation and machine‐aided translation, human translation theory and
practice, multilingual text composition and generation, multilingual information
retrieval, multilingual natural language interfaces, multilingual dialogue systems,
multilingual message understanding systems, corpus‐based and statistical language
modeling, connectionist approaches to translation, compilation and use of biand
multilingual corpora, discourse phenomena and their treatment in (human or machine)
translation, knowledge engineering, contrastive linguistics, morphology, syntax,
semantics, pragmatics, computeraided language instruction and learning, software
localization and internationalization, speech processing, especially for speech
translation, phonetics, phonology, computational implications of non‐ Roman character
sets, multilingual word‐processing, the multilingual information society (sociological
and legal as well as linguistic aspects),minority languages, history of machine
translation. It has been indexed in : SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CSA,
Academic OneFile, ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Digital Library, Bibliographie linguistique/Linguistic
bibliography, Bibliography of Linguistic Literature, Computer Science Index, Current
Abstracts, DBLP, EI‐Compendex, ERIH, FRANCIS, Gale, io‐port.net, JSTOR, Library,
Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Linguistics Abstracts, MLA International
Bibliography, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by Serial Solutions, VINITI ‐ Russian Academy
of Science
Website: http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/10590
23. Meta: Journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’
Journal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, ISSN 0026‐0452, E‐ISSN 1492‐1421
This journal deals with all aspects of translation and interpretation: translation
studies (theories of translation), teaching translation, interpretation research,
stylistics, comparative terminological studies, computer‐assisted translation (machine
translation), documentation, etc. While aimed particularly at translators, interpreters
and terminologists, the publication addresses everyone interested in language phenomena.
It is published in French, English and Spanish.
It has been indexed in: Institute for Scientific Information (ISI Web of Knowledge)
: Current Contents / Arts & Humanities, Arts & Humanities Citation Index Scopus,
IBZ (Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes‐ und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur),
IBR (Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes‐ und Sozialwissenschaftlicher
Literatur) Francis, Google Scholar, INIST, MLA International Bibliography, Repère,
Ulrich's, Scopus, Bibliographic Index (Active), Linguistic Bibliography, ERIH, AHCI‐SSCI,
AERES, Member of the Canadian Association of Learned Journal (CALJ)
Website: http://www.erudit.org/revue/meta/2010/v55/n3/index.html
24. Metamorphoses
Metamorphoses is the journal of
the Five College Faculty Seminar on Literary translation. Published in the spring
and fall, the journal provides a forum for literary translation out of (and into)
all languages, and for papers on the theory and practice of literary translation.
While Metamorphoses' focus is on original translations of poetry and prose, we will
consider brief essays on the theory and practice of translation, as well as short
reviews. All translations must be from the original language. We expect translators
to be competent in the language of the original text or to be working closely with
someone who is. Metamorphoses is primarily a journal for translation into English
from any language. We publish translations of works that have been translated recently
and well only if the translation is different from and at least as good as what
is already available.
Website: http://www.smith.edu/metamorphoses/index.html
25. New Voices in Translation Studies IATIS, ISSN
New Voices in Translation Studies (www.iatis.org/newvoices), a new, international,
refereed electronic journal covers all aspects of translation studies. Edited by
Gabriela Saldanha and Marion Winters and cosponsored by IATIS (International Association
for Translation and Intercultural Studies) and CTTS (Center for Translation and
Textual Studies) at Dublin City University, it was created to disseminate work by
new researchers (those pursuing graduate work in translation studies or who have
recently begun to work and publish in the field) and to bridge what is too often
perceived as a gap between "new" and "established" researchers. Publication, in
English, will be yearly. The first issue includes 5 articles and abstracts of 15
recently completed dissertations. Four of the articles are based on papers presented
at the first Dublin City University Postgraduate Conference in Translation Studies
(2004); the fifth article was the opening speech at the same conference. Topics
range from translation theory and teaching to the translation of comedy and to feminism
in the context of psychoanalysis, the translation of punctuation, and translation
practice. The articles are meticulously argued and documented; they are not equally
strong but all are well worth reading by new and established researchers alike.
This debut issue suggests that the journal will make an important contribution.
Website: http://www.iatis.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=category&id=28&Itemid=60
26. Norwich Papers
University of East Anglia Norwich
Papers is an annual journal based at the University of East Anglia, consisting of
a range of essays and papers on issues in Translation Studies. Every year the journal
concentrates on a specific theme and values its contributions from a wide range
of academic backgrounds.Since 1993, Norwich Papers has been published by students
of the MA in Literary Translation, and, since 2003, also by students from the MA
in Applied Translation Studies. The journal benefits from a new Editorial Team each
year, bringing new ideas and approaches to the running of the journal.This journa's
aim is not only to provide new insights into various aspects of translation, but
also to give fellow students, academics and professionals working within Translation
Studies in the UK and abroad the opportunity to publish their work.
27. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, Taylor
& Francis Online, ISSN 0907‐676X, E‐ISSN 1747‐6623
This journal encourages studies of all types of interlingual transmission, such
as translation, interpreting, subtitling etc. The emphasis lies on analyses of authentic
translation work, translation practices, procedures and strategies. Based on real‐life
examples, studies in the journal place their findings in an international perspective
from a practical, theoretical or pedagogical angle in order to address important
issues in the craft, the methods and the results of translation studies worldwide.
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology is published quarterly. The language of publication
is English although the issues discussed involve all languages and language pairs.
Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmps20/current
28. Pusteblume:
Journal of Translation Published in
the fall and spring of each academic year. This is published under the supervision
of the Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature at Boston University.
Potential contributors are invited to submit translations from fiction and non‐fiction
prose, as well as poetry. Essays in English on the topic of translation are welcome,
as well as any photos and artwork that pertain. Submissions are accepted year‐round.
29. RANSLATION, Translation Studies Research Focus
Group of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at the University Of California,
Santa Barbara, ISSN 155‐8664
Translation has sprung from the dialogue initiated during UCSB’s Spring 2004 symposium,
“Literary Translation: Revisiting the Text in the Humanities.” On 29 April 2004,
faculty and students from UCSB and other collaborating universities came together
from across a variety of disciplines to address what has become an ongoing and dynamic
inquiry into the interstices between the creative and scholarly activity of translation.
The success of the symposium soon led to the formation of a Translation Studies
Research Focus Group, comprised of faculty and graduate students who convene regularly
to further examine the complex issues of translation. Translation is dedicated to
the publication of original translations and scholarly work exemplifying the complex
task of translation.
Website: http://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/research/translation/volumes.html
30. Saltana: A Journal of Literature and Translation,
ISSN: 16996720
Saltana is an independent, non‐profit electronic journal founded by literary translators
and scholars from the fields of literature and translation studies. We publish poetry,
fiction and essays from all periods of history and national traditions, in bilingual
or multilingual editions, from any language into Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician
and Portuguese or vice versa.
31. Sayyab Translation Journal (STJ) , An internationally
peer‐reviewed journal of Arabic<> English translation studies, Sayyab Books, ISSN
STJ is a refereed journal that seeks to bring professional and academic interests
closer by addressing a wide range of issues related to translation, in particular
from Arabic into English and vice versa, such as: theoretical and practical aspects
of translation in all its forms; the translator and translation‐related legal, financial,
and professional concerns world‐wide, and freelancing; implementation of technology
into the translation profession; critical evaluation of new trends in translation
studies; methodological, historical, comparative and didactic matters; suggesting
and/or reviewing academic courses, textbooks, glossaries, pedagogical approaches
to translation, and many other complex and challenging issues of translation; interpreting
studies; corpus‐based translation studies; intercultural studies and translation.
STJ is founded to enhance translation and Arabic‐English contrastive linguistic
studies by providing the reader with high quality original pieces of research, including
review articles and book reviews. As a byproduct, STJ will be an excellent avenue
for cross‐cultural communication, viz. between Arabic‐speaking and English‐speaking
cultures and sub‐cultures.
Website: http://www.sayyab.co.uk/stj/
32. Target -International Journal of Translation Studies,
John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISSN 0924‐1884, E‐ISSN 1569‐9986
Target promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from any part of
the world and welcomes submissions of an interdisciplinary nature. The journal's
focus is on research on the theory, history, culture and sociology of translation
and on the description and pedagogy that underpin and interact with these foci.
It welcomes contributions with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. It does
not publish papers on purely practical matters. It especially welcomes papers on
topics at the cutting edge of the discipline, as well as shorter positioning statements
which may encourage discussion by contributors to the "Forum" section of the journal.
The purpose of the review section is to introduce and discuss the most important
publications in the field and to reflect its evolution. The official language of
Target is English, but articles in Spanish, German or French will also be accepted.
Target is double‐blind peer reviewed.
This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, Scopus,
Translation Studies Bibliography, TSA Online, European Reference Index for the Humanities,
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Current Contents, Social & Behavioral Sciences
(CC/S&BS), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Current Contents/Arts & Humanities
Contents: 1.Articles, 2.Forum 3.Books Reviews
Website: http://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/target
33. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Online
Periodicals: St. Jerome Publishing, ISSN 1750‐399X, E‐ ISSN 1757‐0417
This is the first journal in the field of translation studies to devote its attention
entirely to research in education and training. It is a refereed international journal
that seeks to address issues relating to the education and training of professional
translators and interpreters, and of those working in other forms of interlingual
and intercultural mediation. ITT aims to provide a specialized forum for trainers,
educators, researchers and professionals sharing an interest in the training of
translators and/or interpreters from diverse theoretical and applied approaches,
encouraging critical reflection on the many issues involved, including: curricular
design; syllabus design; translator/translation competence(s); teaching and learning
approaches, methods and techniques; teaching and learning resources; assessment
and accreditation, amongst others. ITT seeks in particular to encourage interdisciplinary
approaches incorporating appropriate research methods and results from fields such
as education, curricular studies, or language acquisition, as well as others more
frequently associated with translation studies, such as cultural studies, linguistics,
communication studies, anthropology, psychology, cognitive science or literary studies.
Each biannual issue includes: original research articles; reviews of recent publications
on or for education and training, including textbooks; a features section which
will consist variously of course profiles, debates on training and educational paradigms,
interviews, reviews of software/hardware, reports on events, project presentations;
abstracts of Ph.D. and Masters dissertations on translator and interpreter education
and training. The journal also intends to publish, when possible, English‐language
translations of outstanding articles originally published in other languages, and
occasional guest edited monographic issues.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer is listed in the Arts and Humanities Citation
Index and the Social Science Citation Index.
Structure of the Contents: Articles, Feature and Book reviews, Thesis Abstract
34. The Journal of Translation
SIL International The
Journal of Translation is an academic journal of translation theory and practice
with a special interest in Bible translation and in translation involving minority
languages and cultures. Its purpose is to encourage scholarship, to enlighten the
reader, to stimulate thought and discussion, and to promote appropriate cross‐cultural
and cross‐linguistic communication. The Journal of Translation is published without
subscription, two times per year, by SIL International. Articles are published online
in the form of PDF files that may be freely downloaded. Articles, book reviews and
short notes published in the Journal of Translation will deal explicitly with the
topic of translation and will be judged by the Editor and the Editorial Board as
appropriate for publication in the journal on the basis of their scholarship, originality
and relevance.
Website: http://www.sil.org/siljot/index.asp?series=932
35. The Translator , Online Periodicals: St. Jerome
Publishing, E‐ ISSN 1757‐0409, ISSN 1355‐6509
The Translator is a refereed international journal that publishes articles on a
variety of issues related to translation and interpreting as acts of intercultural
communication. It aims to provide a meeting point for existing as well as future
approaches and to stimulate interaction between various groups who share a common
concern for translation as a profession and translation studies as a discipline.
The Translator puts equal emphasis on rigour and readability. Translation is understood
to cover all types of translation, whether written or oral, including activities
such as literary and commercial translation, various forms of oral interpreting,
dubbing, voice‐overs, subtitling, translation for the stage, and such under‐researched
areas as sign language interpreting and community interpreting. Extended special
issues guest‐edited by leading scholars are published regularly.
Structure: articles, classics and Book review
36. Transcultural: TranscUlturAl, ISSN 1920‐0323
An online Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies, TranscUlturAl seeks to contribute
to the dialogue between cultures and languages by publishing essays, translations
and creative pieces that examine interrelationships between translations and cultures,
past and present, in global and local contexts. This includes work that ventures
beyond dominant geolinguistic and geocultural spaces, in particular those officially
defined as either monolingual or bilingual.
This international journal is indexed with the main humanities bibliographies, including
the MLA, Wikipedia, Linguistic Abstracts, and Benjamins Translation Studies bibliography
Website: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/TC
37. trans-kom
Journal of Translation and Technical
Communication Research, trans‐kom, is an academic journal for translation and technical
communication research published solely on the Internet. trans‐kom publishes research
findings and contributions to academic discourse on subjects concerning translation
and interpreting, technical communication, language for special purposes, terminology,
and related fields. Submissions are accepted in German, English, French, or Spanish.
All submissions will be blind reviewed before being accepted for publication. Please
format your manuscript carefully in accordance with the trans‐kom publication guidelines.
38. Translation and Interpreting Studies ATISA (American
Translation and Interpreting Studies Translation and Interpreting, ISSN 1836‐9324
Translation & Interpreting is a refereed international journal that seeks to create
a cross‐fertilization between research, training and professional practice. It aims
to publish high quality, research‐based, original articles, that highlight the applications
of research results to the improvement of T&I training and practice. It welcomes
contributions not only from well‐known senior scholars, but also from new, young
scholars in the field. It is a free on‐line journal, hosted by the University of
Western Sydney’s School of Humanities and Communication Arts, with the objective
to be universally accessible to researchers, educators, students and practitioners
of interpreting and translation, as well as to others interested in the discipline.
Published twice yearly.
Contents: Articles and Reviews
39. Translation and Literature , Edinburg University
Press, ISSN 0968‐1361, E‐ISSN 1750‐0214
This is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal from Edinburg University Press focusing
on English Literature in its foreign relations. Subjects of recent articles and
notes have included the translations of Elizabeth Tudor, Surrey's Aeneid, the Spanish
Renaissance Homer, Washington Irving in Muslim translation, Mann's Aschenbach, tales
from Ivan Krylov, and the erotics of translation. It embraces responses to all other
literatures in the work of English writers, including reception of classical texts;
historical and contemporary translation of works in modern languages; history and
theory of literary translation, adaptation, and imitation.
Contributors come from many disciplines: English Literature, Modern Languages, Literary
Theory, Classical Studies, Translation Studies, Translation and Literature is indexed
in the Arts and Humanities bibliographies and bibliographical databases including
the Modern Language Association of America International Bibliography.
40. Translation Review
Translation Review is published
twice yearly by The Center for Translation Studies at The University of Texas at
Dallas and the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA). Started in 1978,
Translation Review is unique in the English‐speaking world. While many literary
journals publish translations of the works of international authors in English translation,
Translation Review focuses on the theoretical, critical, practical, and cultural
aspects of transplanting a literary text from one language into another. Translation
Review provides translators, scholars, and readers a forum to cultivate a dialogue
about the importance of translation in a globalized world, to illuminate the challenging
difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign culture into English,
and to increase the visibility and status of the translator in our contemporary
world. Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal to facilitate
cross‐cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translations.
Website: http://www.utdallas.edu/alta/publications/translation-review
41. Translation Spaces , ISSN 2211‐3711, E‐ISSN 2211‐372X
Translation Spaces is an annual, peer‐reviewed journal that recognizes the global
interdisciplinary impact of translation. The journal envisions translation as a
complex set of socio‐cultural spaces where people and populations encounter one
another to share knowledge, beliefs, and values. These global spaces of encounter
are virtual, as in the boundless cyberspace of today’s Internet, and physical, as
in the world’s rapidly expanding multilingual and multicultural cities. They are
also disciplinary: arenas of discourse within which scholars explore those social‐cultural
frontiers where translation practice and theory interact most dramatically with
the emerging landscape of contemporary, urban globalization. As such, the journal
actively encourages researchers from such diverse domains as communication studies,
information technology, economics and commerce, law and government, science, and
news and entertainment to engage translation scholarship. To achieve this end, each
annual edition of the journal offers an editorial article, followed by seven academic
articles associated with the seven permanent topical tracks to appear in each annual
volume. Each year, an additional track will be designated to expand one of the permanent
tracks, or to cover a specially identified topic. The seven permanent tracks are
Translation, Globalization, and Communication Technology; Translation, Information,
Culture, and Society; Translation, Government, Law and Policy; Translation, Computation,
and Information; Translation and Entertainment; Translation, Commerce, and Economy;
and Translation as an Object of Study.
The journal explicitly aims to stimulate an ongoing interdisciplinary and inter‐professional
dialogue, online and in print, among diverse communities of research and practice.
Although the language of the print and electronic versions of the journal will be
English, the publication will provide, through an innovative complementary web site,
the means by which content and dialogue can be translated by others in as many languages
as possible, providing a powerful contemporary channel for multilingual dialogue
and translation. The journal's innovative web site will also feature topic‐oriented
blogs (one for each track), discussion/debate boards with threaded commentary, an
online interview section, scheduled online discussion days based on the articles
or papers, and a section containing new publications and references.
This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, MLA, BL, LLBA, TSB, TSA Online.
Website: http://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/ts/main
international journal of translation and interpreting by the School of Applied Languages,
Bilkent University the published in English, French, Turkish and German. This journal
is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners
about important issues in translation studies.
43. Translation Studies, Routledge, ISSN 1478‐1700,
E‐ISSN 1751‐2921
Translation Studies, international peer‐reviewed journal published by Routledge,
explores promising lines of work within the discipline of Translation Studies, placing
a special emphasis on existing connections with neighboring disciplines and the
creation of new links. It aims to extend the methodologies, areas of interest and
conceptual frameworks inside the discipline, while testing the traditional boundaries
of the notion of “translation” and offering a forum for debate focusing on historical,
social, institutional and cultural facets of translation. In addition to scholars
within Translation Studies, it invites those as yet unfamiliar with or wary of Translation
Studies to enter the discussion. Such scholars include people working in literary
theory, sociology, ethnography, philosophy, semiotics, history and historiography,
theology, gender studies, postcolonialism, and related fields. The journal supports
the conscious pooling of resources for particular purposes and encourages the elaboration
of joint methodological frameworks.
Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rtrs20/current
44.Translation Studies:
Edited by Dr. Farzaneh Farahzad,
this journal is published in Tehran by the Iranian Center for Translation Studies,
Allameh Tabataba’i University.
45. Translation Today, National Translation Mission,
ISSN 0972‐8740
Translation Today is a biannual journal published by NTM that features articles
about translation and translator related issues. It provides information to the
translators who are interested to know more about the current trends, approaches,
tradition, criticism etc in translation. The journal also intends to raise awareness
about translation, its possibilities and potentialities.
Website: http://www.ntm.org.in/languages/english/translationtoday.aspx
46. Translation Watch Quarterly
Translation Standard
Institute The aim of Translation Watch Quarterly is to publish original research
or contribution to the existing literature on translation and interpreting standards,
practices, and policy. Published four times a year. It is the official journal of
Translation Standards Institute, the world's first translation‐dedicated standards
organization, devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about translation
and interpreting quality standards. Each quarterly issue contains original refereed
articles, country profiles, and book reviews.
Website: http://www.translocutions.com/tsi/twq/twq_main.htm
47. Translation:
An Interdisciplinary journal, Nida
School of Translation Studies With this publication, the editors present the new
international peer‐reviewed journal translation, which from January 2012 will be
published twice a year. The journal—a collaborative initiative of the Nida School
of Translation Studies—takes as its main mission the collection and representation
of the ways in which translation as a fundamental element of culture transforms
our contemporary world. Our ambition is to create a new forum for the discussion
of translation, offering an open space for debate and reflection on what we call
post‐translation studies, moving beyond disciplinary boundaries towards wider transdisciplinary
discourses on the translational nature of societies which are increasingly hybrid,
diasporic, border‐crossing, intercultural, multilingual, and global.
Website: http://translation.fusp.it/
48. Translation: Computation, Corpora and Cognition,
ISSN 2193‐6986
This open access journal aims to be a platform for knowledge exchange in the field
of the empirical study of translation, targeting a wide range of approaches as well
as a diverse readership. The journal follows an immediate open access policy which
both gives the authors control over the copyright of their ideas and facilitates
a restriction‐free global exchange of novel research knowledge within a short time.
At the same time, the journal adheres to international quality standards by assuring
a double blind peer reviewing.
49. Translation and Interpreting Studies ATISA (American
Translation and Interpreting Studies Association), ISSN 1932‐2798, E‐ISSN 1876‐2700
TIS is a biannual (Spring/Fall), peer‐reviewed journal designed to disseminate knowledge
and research relevant to all areas of language mediation. TIS seeks to address broad,
common concerns among scholars working in different areas of Translation and Interpreting
Studies, while encouraging sound empirical research that could serve as a bridge
between academics and practitioners. The journal is also dedicated to facilitating
communication among those who may be working on related subjects in other fields,
from Comparative Literature to Information Science. Finally, TIS is a forum for
the dissemination in English translation of relevant scholarly research originally
published in languages other than English. This journal is peer reviewed and indexed
in: Translation Studies Bibliography, MLA, LB, LLBA, Scopus, TSA Online and in the
following Thomson Reuters (ISI) services: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social
Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Current
Contents/Arts & Humanities.
50. Words without Borders:
Founded in 2003, Words
without Borders promotes cultural understanding through the translation, publication,
and promotion of the finest contemporary international literature. Our publications
and programs open doors for readers of English around the world to the multiplicity
of viewpoints, richness of experience, and literary perspective on world events
offered by writers in other languages. We seek to connect international writers
to the general public, to students and educators, and to print and other media and
to serve as a primary online location for a global literary conversation.
Words without Borders publishes original translations into English of fiction, nonfiction,
poetry, drama, and interviews. It does not publish literature written in English,
and does not consider work that has already been published in English translation.
It will consider up to five poems from a single contributor. The average prose submission
is about 2500 words, but we do publish shorter and longer pieces. We prefer short
stories, but will consider novel extracts that stand as independent pieces. Submissions
must include a biographical summary of the author and information on the original
publication and background of the piece. Translators need not secure rights, but
should ascertain that rights are available.