
Angami-English-Hindi Dictionary

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Sr No.Angami WordEnglish WordHindi Word
1 ǘ (n.)poetry कविता, शायरी (स्त्री)
2 ǖ (vt.)to put together इकट्ठा करना
3 ǘkêzōmiê (n.)poetry कवि; शायर (पु.)
4 ǘtsâlî (n.)music संगीत (पु.)
5 ǘ tshǖ (vi.)to sing (as Homosapiens)गाना
6 ǘboû (n.)drum ढोल (पु.)
7 ǖdī (quot.)that, as in he said that he's coming कि, जैसे: हमने कहा कि हम जा रहे है ।
8 ǖtsǖ (quot.)that, as in he told me that he's coming कि, जैसे: हमने कहा कि हम आयेंगे ।
9 ā (pron.)I मै
10 â (pron.)my मेरा, मेरे, मेरी